Bandhan Mutual Fund Announcement

Delhi: Bandhan Mutual Fund has unveiled the Bandhan Multi Asset Allocation Fund, an open-ended scheme allowing investment in diverse asset classes such as Indian Equities, International Equities, Arbitrage, Fixed Income, Gold, and Silver. The fund emphasizes the significance of asset allocation in influencing returns, aiming to optimize reward and risk through a diversified strategy. The New Fund Offer (NFO) is open from January 10, 2024, to January 24, 2024. Interested investors can participate through authorized mutual fund distributors, investment advisors, and online platforms.
Vishal Kapoor, CEO of Bandhan AMC, commented, “Asset Allocation helps investors avoid behavioural pitfalls, such as market timing and performance chasing which can result in shorter holding periods, portfolio imbalances and eventually sub-optimal returns. Seasoned investors recognise that no single asset class has been a winner for consecutive periods, and hence, diversifying across asset classes brings greater stability and consistency of returns. Bandhan Multi Asset Allocation Fund is crafted to offer investors a sophisticated, transparent, and effective way to achieve a well-diversified portfolio investing in 5 major asset classes and across 13 sub-asset classes. By expertly integrating major asset classes into a single well-curated fund, the fund aims for potential long-term growth, with relatively lower volatility. Investors seeking a long-term well-rounded portfolio for relatively stable returns may find this very attractive.”
Target allocation for this Fund includes about 50% to Indian Equities across Large-cap, Mid-cap and Small-cap stocks, 15% to International Equities across the U.S., other developed markets as well as emerging markets, 15% to fully hedged Arbitrage strategies, 10% towards actively managed high-quality Fixed Income and 10% towards domestic Gold and Silver. The portfolio would be systematically rebalanced half yearly to the targeted allocation.