Teesta Dam Power Station Destroyed as Landslide Hits Sikkim


New Delhi: A severe landslide in Sikkim has led to the destruction of the Teesta-V hydropower station, managed by NHPC Limited. This facility, which was already undergoing restoration from previous damage caused by a glacial outburst in October 2023, has now faced additional devastation due to the recent landslide.

According to NHPC, the landslide severely affected several critical structures at the power station. The damage occurred over the Tail Race Tunnel (TRT) outlet structure and behind the GIS Building, resulting in harm to the TRT Gate hoist structure and partial damage to the GIS Building. As a result, the power station is currently non-operational and remains under repair from the earlier flash floods triggered by the glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF).

The October 2023 GLOF, which originated from South Lhonak in Ladakh, caused the collapse of the Teesta III hydroelectric dam at Chungthang in North Sikkim. This catastrophic event led to widespread damage downstream, including to the Teesta-V power station, compounding the challenges faced by NHPC.

NHPC’s statement notes that the Teesta Basin Region has been experiencing periodic subsidence and landslides during the ongoing monsoon season, which contributed to the recent landslide. An expert team from NHPC’s corporate office is on-site to evaluate the damage, assess the losses, and develop a plan for necessary repairs and restoration to resume operations at the damaged facility.

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